
Hello there and welcome to The Local Travel Guide blog!!

I have been a traveler since I was born and have experience as a backpacker. But this pandemic has taken away my hobby, and I’m sure it’s been stressful not only for me but for everyone who loves to travel.

However, I am sure you are wondering where to go for your first trip after pandemic [too many choices!!, is it worth to go?, can I travel the way I want to?]
I created this blog to help you get rid of such confusions.
This blog is dedicated to articles about hotels, food, attractions and markets.

You can also follow me on SNS

Hotel Lover

・YouTube LivingHotel

・Instagram hot_elliving (Living Hotel)

・TikTok Living_Hotel


Food Lover

・YouTube Hungry Fun

・Instagram hungryfun2021(Hungry Fun)

・TikTok hungryfun2021


Attraction Lover

・YouTube Virtual Backpack

・Instagram virtu_albag(Virtual Backpack)

・TikTok Virtual backpack


Market Lover

・YouTube Market Hunter

・Instagram marke_thunt(Market Hunter)